‘l’Histoire d’un type!’

“Een goede artiest is geworteld in zijn historie en haalt alles uit zichzelf”, vindt Danny Ronaldo, een van de circusartiesten die deel uitmaakt van de fototentoonstelling l’Histoire d’un type. Met haar serie portretten brengt fotografe Vera Claessen in beeld hoe die historie een gezicht krijgt.

Ik ben van jongs af aan vertrouwd geweest met het beeld achter de schermen van verschillende podiumkunsten. Ik zie de kunstenaars optreden, en tref ze ook in hun menselijke hoedanigheid achter de schermen. Ik ken de kunstenaars zoals ze zich tonen aan het publiek maar ook hoe ze op zichzelf zijn. Het is die dubbele identiteit die een portret van deze circusartiesten zo intrigerend maakt. De persoonlijke kwetsbaarheid van de artiest kenmerkt mijn serie portretfoto’s. Ik koos voor een directe benadering om ze in zwart-wit beelden vast te leggen in hun eigen werkomgeving. De mens in de artiest, de artiest in de mens heb ik zo vanuit persoonlijke betrokkenheid willen treffen.

Deze bijzondere tentoonstelling is te boeken via het contactformulier.


Overzicht van expositie L’Histoire d’un type:

2016: Galerie Majke Hüsstege Projects, ’s-Hertogenbosch

2016: Festival Circolo, Landgoed Velder, Liempde

2017: Hotel Bergse Bossen, Driebergen

2019: Theater op de Markt, Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof, Neerpelt, België

Portraits of Contemporary Circus

Throughout his professional life, Wim Claessen (1942) has been a proponent of the circus as a fully fledged and valuable part of art and culture. As the director of the Boulevard Theatre Festival in den Bosch, he introduced the ‘new circus’, sometimes referred to as ‘circus theatre’, to a wide audience at the beginning of the 1990s. In 2006, he started the circus school at the Fontys Hogeschool in Tilburg; in 2007, Festival Circolo, with Wim Claessen as its founder, was launched. After his departure in 2014 as the director of Festival Circolo, Wim Claessen started this book – a collection of portraits of those he considers important icons of today’s circus. With this publication, he offers a contribution to the formation of theory for circus training. The principles, perceptions and working methods of the modern circus theatre are presented and explained using an international tableau of remarkable personalities. These are accessible, personal stories from active, involved artists.

Vera Claessen (1966) contributes to this publication about today’s circus with her portrait photography. As Wim Claessen’s daughter, she became familiar with the world behind the curtain of performing arts at an early age. Here she sees the artists perform and encounters them in their human capacity during rehearsals and in the artist’s entrances. She captures the artists as they show themselves to the public; but she also knows them as they are off the stage.

Joost Goutziers (1961) is a cultural journalist, particularly interested in theatre, contemporary dance, theatre on location and today’s circus. For this book about the contemporary circus, Joost spoke extensively with international celebrities in today’s circus. During these discussions, he was amazed by the remarkable fluidity between the artistic expressions of today and those of yesteryear.

• Price of the book € 17,50 (includes shipping costs)
• Volume: 155 pages; hardcover
• The book can be ordered by sending a mail to Vera Claessen